4 Principles of Unconventional Warfare

1. Work outside the enemy's experience
This ability imposes chaos and disorder on the enemy, which cannot orient itself to novelty and collapses in the process. What they might have read or heard about matters less than their personal experience, which dominates their emotional lives and determines their responses.
2. Unfold the extraordinary out of the ordinary
To Sun-Tzu and the ancient Chinese, doing something extraordinary has little effect without a setup of something ordinary. You had to merge the two to fix your opponents' expectations with some banal,ordinary maneuver a comfortable pattern that they would expect you to follow. Mesmerized, you would then hit them with the extraordinary, a show of stunning force from and entirely new angle. Framed by the predictable, the blow would have double the impact. Ordinary strategy that he had used earlier to fix their attention and use it for his main attack, for that would be the last thing the enemy would expect. And so the ordinary and the extraordinary are effective only if intertwining of the ordinary and extraordinary is the very definition of surrealism.
3. Act crazy like a fox
Upon occasion you allow yourself to operate in a way that is deliverately irrational, but less is more - frighten people more by showing a occasional flash of insanity, just enough to keep everyone off balance and wondering what will come next.
4. Keep the wheels in constant motion
Rely more superiority on novel strategies and manuevers. Make a point of breaking habits you have developed, of acting in a way that is contrary to how you have operated in the past. Unconventional Warfare.


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