Define TRIZ

Explore the "evolutionary development" of the prime system through cross industry benchmarking.

Identify any "new technology" resource through technical benchmarking.

Enhance the project (MGP)(Multi Generation Plan) and update the project charter with feedback from TRIZ.

Identify a conflict to resolve that will clearly benefit the project, business, and customer.

Seek new resources from technology developments and other industries. Consider potential resistance to new innovation from key stakeholders.

Measure TRIZ

Model potential conflicts using "tool-action-object" and extended process/system mapping. Use "nine screens" and MGP for view of the wider picture. Identify potential "trade-off", working from the interaction roofs of the houses of quality. Locate idle of future "resource." Evaluate the potential for improvement and innovation during conceptual and technical design. Identify all the key issues around the real and potential conflicts, including trade-offs between customer requirement or product features. Document possible and current idle resources to hand. Undertake more extensive benchmarking if appropriate. Feedback to, and support of the main DFSS project.

Analyze TRIZ

Move to one or more "inherent contradictions." State "ideal final solution." Constrain problem to an appropriate part of the new system or process. Identify the correct problems to solve together with the potential gap for improvement. Set up the final framework for the conflict resolution stage.


Generate "potential solutious," first a conceptual level then at detailed technical levels. Use "40 inventive principles" and "contradiction matrix." Evaluation and refinement iterations are required. Use all the available tools, especially but not exclusively the 40 Inventive principles, to derive inventive solutions. Evaluate against the ideal final result and repeat this loop.

Control TRIZ

Implement "solutions" through the various design stages. Institutionalize "key learnings." Update "documentation" and system model. Predict ahead for a second generation and update the MGP. Use the best solutions generated to progress the design at all levels. Repeat the conflict management loop as required, and follow with appropriate updates to documentation and the corporate memory.


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