IP 05 Merge

IP 05 Arrangement and shape/Merge(combining) [Principle of combination]

Merge or combine either in space or in time two or more contiguous operations or parts.

Joint similar objects, perform operations in parallel.group similar services.

Merge dissimilar objects or services to form an item with new features.

Move towards the macro level. Combine systems into modular units; integrated circuits. Parallel processing.

Note pads and folders, multiple ink writing pens. Food courts in shopping malls.
Radio and alarm clocks merged into one unit.

This is the opposite to segmentation (IP 02) and possibly also seperation (IP 01). Although a simple concept this principle can be used to great effect beyond simply bringing items or processes together. Bundling multiple copies introduces strength, security and increased capacity. Merging dissimilar objects or processes creates entirely new tools or services. Note that a strong trend in TRIZ and technical evolution is towards the micro level, and to remain true to this strong trend merging or combining should bring things together to work in smaller and smaller intervals of space or time. Shopping malls or department stores bring many different shops together into one larger entitty (macro) but in effect they reduce the time and distance required to shop (micro).

Bundle multiples of objects,


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