IP 16 Partial or excessive action

IP 16 Get moving/Partial or excessive action [Principle of deficient or excessive solution]

Partial or excessive action by either over completing a task or under completing and then finishing later.

Provide more than is required and later remove the excess.

Provide less than is required and top up later.

If a task cannot be completed in full now, initially undertake part of the task.

Partial or excessive action is another of my personal favorites, since it is a strong principle and can often lead to flashes of inspiration. Again our rigidity of thinking forces use into straight lines, inflexible objects, and perfection in action.

A real danger of the Six Sigma approach, along with any 'zero defect' initiative, is that we continue to target on a set goal and reject any form of variation or deviation from our aim Variation in a process is not good, however, perfection 'getting it right the first time' can be both expensive and unattainable. Partial or excessive actions may demonstrate that going part of the way or too far and then making adjustment later is both easier and more efficient overall!


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