IP 22 Chaperone/Blessing in disguise [Principle of turning harm to benefit]

Blessing in disguise by making the best from a harmful effect or situation.

Turning harm to good.

Combine two or more harmful effects to make one beneficial effect.

Use a harmful effect rather than attempting to fight it.

Increase the harmful effect until it becomes no longer harmful.

We often fail to see any possible benefit beyond the immediate harm, and opening up new ways of negating or using harmful effects is a very strong use of idle resources. To the optimist every cloud has a silver lining!

Blessing in disguise like the principle of reversal (IP 13) are hard to see at first but become easier to identify with practice and effort. There are several ways to effectively remove or negate harm, but combining two harmful effects or using rather than eliminating harmful effects can be just as effective.

Since harm for one person can be a blessing for another, much of the work here must be to find alternative perspectives from which to view our concept and perception of 'harm' and 'benefit'!


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