IP 23 Feedback
IP 23 Chaperone/Feedback
Feedback by closing the loop between the output or product of a process and the controlling or influencing inputs.
Introduce feedback.
Enhance or change existing feedback.
Monitor and control inputs rather than simply inspect outputs.
Continuous coursework and assessment rather than end of the year exams.
Many processes, typically continuous flow production, electronics or service processes, are part of larger systems. Such systems are best controlled using closed loop feedback, where the state of one or more critical outputs is used to influence one or more critical inputs. Making feedback work well is a challenging subject, as over control is just as problematic as under control.
However the aim must be to ensure effective feedback loops are in place within processes where they will clearly help.
Feedback is essential as part of system's control mechanisms. Six Sigma encourages the concept and use of the formula Y=f(x), where we control the inputs to a process to ensure perfect y, rather than waiting for the outcome and then fixing or repairing it if broken or out of specification. Taken to an extreme this may imply that we no longer require feedback from the y to one or more x's, which is clearly not the case.
Feedback by closing the loop between the output or product of a process and the controlling or influencing inputs.
Introduce feedback.
Enhance or change existing feedback.
Monitor and control inputs rather than simply inspect outputs.
Continuous coursework and assessment rather than end of the year exams.
Many processes, typically continuous flow production, electronics or service processes, are part of larger systems. Such systems are best controlled using closed loop feedback, where the state of one or more critical outputs is used to influence one or more critical inputs. Making feedback work well is a challenging subject, as over control is just as problematic as under control.
However the aim must be to ensure effective feedback loops are in place within processes where they will clearly help.
Feedback is essential as part of system's control mechanisms. Six Sigma encourages the concept and use of the formula Y=f(x), where we control the inputs to a process to ensure perfect y, rather than waiting for the outcome and then fixing or repairing it if broken or out of specification. Taken to an extreme this may imply that we no longer require feedback from the y to one or more x's, which is clearly not the case.