10 Tactics for Strong Leadership

1. Run Your Shop Effectively
Have a daily morning briefing on operational matters
Understand your main operational risks and issues

2. Reduce expenses
Incorporate cost-cutting into performance objectives
Keep ahead of obsolete systems

3. Try Multi-sourcing
Agility is a key strategic value
You can run as lean an operation as possible while still being able to react quickly to new initiatives

4. Deliver As Promised
Continually deliver meaningful pieces of a project
Set honest metrics and be transparent about failures

5. Move at the Speed of Business

6. Make Demand Management Transparent

7. Be Engaged in the Business
Go beyond discussing technical matters
Actively contribute ideas

8. Use Business-Value Metrics
Include planning and strategy, architecture, delivery, operations, and quality assurance

9. Ensure Continuous Improvement
A "transformation program" implies an end to the project
Create a culture where innovation is rewarded
Make it clear that continuous improvement is the true goal

10. Have an Architecture Strategy
Build an infrastructure upgrade strategy based on the mission of the business


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