Power of Small Outline

1.  Your ability to pay attention to the smallest details can set you apart from your competitors, overlooking it can leave you in their dust.

2.  When you do nothing, you are doing something.

3.  In the business world, our grand plans, at times, need to be dismantled and broken down into the smallest actions.

4.  Every point of contact is an opportunity to excel, to do the unexpected, and in doing so, reveal yourself.

5.  Whether you're in any interaction, going the extra inch can be an enormously powerful catalyst for positive change.

6.  Focus energy on solving the smallest part of a(n) daunting task.  The key is to focus on what needs your attention now, rather than challenges looming ahead.

7.  Mentally dismantle the challenge into smaller, less formidable pieces.

8.  Pulling back every once in a while to see how far you've gotten is also important because you can see your accomplishments within the big picture, instead of measuring yourself against the larger scarier reality. 


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