Every uncertainty is magnified by quantum increases in the speed of change, largely brought about by the revolution in computer and communication technologies. Structural uncertainty arises from your external environment. Unusual approach by focusing on lower cost and innovation at the same time. Uniqueness. Bend in the road contains a message about a future growth trajectory that someone could explore and exploit if he or she looked at it through a different lens without being controlled by an existing core competency. Math house (software tools) to take advantage of uncertainty, you must make the use of algorithms part of your vocabulary (new paradigm). The attacker's advantage is the ability to detect ahead of others those forces that are radically reshaping marketplace then position your business to make the next move first. Uncertainty is not something to fear, but rather something to immerse yourself in, because in it lie the possibilities you can combine to create something new and immensely valuable. The more you embrace uncertainty and practice the skills to deal with it, the more self-confidence you will develop and the better prepared you will be to lead. Perceptual acuity is you human radar for seeing through the fog of uncertainty so you can act before others do. You will become more attuned to interesting new ideas, events, technology developments, and trends. You'll expand your capacity to see the landscape from multiple angles, discern what's important and speculate about how you could shape it by engaging other people in this task. You'll not only benefit from diverse points of view, but also build your team's ability to detect change sooner and create the next bend in the road. Train yourself to stand back from your business and it's environment. In particular, look for the larger significance of anomalies, contradictions, and oddities, things that depart from or challenge familiar patterns and differ from what you have known or believed.