Some OD Intervention for Implementing change
Survey feedback:
A questionnaire is distributed to ascertain perceptious and attitudes. The results are then shared with them. The questionnaire may ask about such matters as group cohesion, job satisfaction, and managerial leadership. Once the survey is done meaningful results can be communicated so that they can then engage in problem solving and constructive changes.
Process consultation:
An OD consultant observes the communication process- interpersonal-relations, decision-making, and conflict-handling patterns - occurring in work groups and provides feedback to the members involved. The change agent hopes to give them the skills to identifying and improve group dynamics on their own.
Team building:
Learn to function as a team.
Intergroup developing:
Attempts to develop better cohesiveness.
Techno-structural activities:
Improving the work technology or organizational design. An intervention involving a work-technology change OR organizational-design change.