From the opposed to just a process viewpoint.Six Sigma angle it is of great importance that we shift our viewpoint from pure "process" to that of the local or surrounding system, as opposed to just a process viewpoint. This requires moving our focus of attention back slightly to the macro level (combine).
SIPOC diagram
A simple SIPOC diagram (Suppliers of Inputs that go through the "Process," and appear as Output used by Customers) tightly bounded by a system enclosure. SIPOC diagrams help us to understand the process and the critical x's and output Y, and define our interest by the start and stop points.
In Six Sigma the boundary box is never drawn, and our focus is on the equation Y=(f)X. This highlights that our critical output Y, often the CTQ (Critical To Quality) metric, is a function of the critical x inputs. Resources, if they are considered, are those to immediate hand, and for the early stages in most Six Sigma project we do not specifically consider resources at all unless they are clearly a significant x OR cause of variation.
SIPOC diagram
A simple SIPOC diagram (Suppliers of Inputs that go through the "Process," and appear as Output used by Customers) tightly bounded by a system enclosure. SIPOC diagrams help us to understand the process and the critical x's and output Y, and define our interest by the start and stop points.
In Six Sigma the boundary box is never drawn, and our focus is on the equation Y=(f)X. This highlights that our critical output Y, often the CTQ (Critical To Quality) metric, is a function of the critical x inputs. Resources, if they are considered, are those to immediate hand, and for the early stages in most Six Sigma project we do not specifically consider resources at all unless they are clearly a significant x OR cause of variation.